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Car Alloy Wheel Cleaners

Shop the best car alloy wheel cleaners in the world. Spray on wheel cleaner is a must-have product for keeping car wheels clean. Car wheel cleaners will help to remove traffic film, dirt, grime or similar from wheels. Nobody likes finishing cleaning their car and then noticing left over brake dust on the wheels. Sometimes, this is just down to rushing. More times than not, the wheel cleaner used just wasn't up to the job.

Many car wheel cleaners now have a colour changing property hidden within, this is to show you that they are removing the iron particles (brake dust) that have embedded into the wheel lacquer. Left untreated, this brake dust will cause pitting and corrosion on your wheels, which only a professional wheel refurbishment will be able to fix. Removing the iron can be done in two ways, with a more concentrate acid (safe versions for lacquer) or a glycolate; the colour change is added because both of these methods will remove the iron without changing colour on their own.

Choosing the most suitable alloy wheel cleaner depends on the type of wheels you have. It will also depend on the level of contamination present on the wheel. A pH neutral wheel cleaner spray is great for well maintained and ceramic coated wheels. An acid wheel cleaner will be the toughest cleaner for wheels and will strip wheel wax or similar. You can't go wrong with the Bilt Hamber Auto Wheel, winning the Auto Express award for multiple years. Alternatively, our own wheel cleaners offer great value for money in the larger sizes, but with still the cleaning powers of a branded version.

Bilt Hamber Auto Wheel Cleaner (1L, 5L & 25L) Auto Wheel Cleaner five star rating for product page by Bilt Hamber from £14.95 Bilt Hamber Korrosol Iron Fallout Remover (1L) Korrosol Iron Fallout Remover five star rating for product page by Bilt Hamber from £14.95 Ultimate Finish UF Iron + Fallout Remover (1L & 5L) Iron + Fallout Remover five star rating for product page by Ultimate Finish from £12.95 Ultimate Finish UF Safe Wheel Cleaner (1L & 5L) Safe Wheel Cleaner five star rating for product page by Ultimate Finish from £8.95 Gtechniq W6 Iron and General Fall Out Remover (250ml, 500ml & 5L) W6 Iron Removing Wheel & Paint Cleaner five star rating for product page by Gtechniq from £6.95 Ultimate Finish UF Wheel & Exhaust Drill Polishing Ball Wheel Polishing Ball zero star rating for product page by Ultimate Finish from £11.95 ValetPRO Dragons Breath Iron Contamination Remover (500ml, 1 Litre & 5 Litres) Dragons Breath Iron Contamination Remover five star rating for product page by ValetPRO from £10.85 Auto Finesse Iron Out Contaminant Remover (500ml, 1L, 5L) Iron Out Contaminant Remover zero star rating for product page by Auto Finesse from £12.25 CarPro IronX Fallout Remover Cherry (500ml & 1L) IronX Fallout Remover Cherry zero star rating for product page by CARPRO from £10.95 Auto Finesse Imperial Wheel Cleaner (250ml, 500ml, 1L & 5L) Imperial Wheel Cleaner zero star rating for product page by Auto Finesse from £5.95 Maxshine Wheel & Tyre Cleaning Stand Wheel & Tyre Cleaning Stand zero star rating for product page by Maxshine £124.95 Infinity Wax Incinerate Wheel Cleaner (500ml & 5L) Incinerate Wheel Cleaner zero star rating for product page by Infinity Wax from £8.95 Nanolex Professional Wheel Cleaner Concentrate (1L, 5L & 10L) Professional Wheel Cleaner Concentrate zero star rating for product page by Nanolex from £14.90 Angelwax Bilberry Wheel Cleaner (Concentrate) Bilberry Wheel Cleaner (Concentrate) five star rating for product page by Angelwax from £11.95 Dodo Juice Deep Purple (1 Litre) Deep Purple High Performance Wheel Cleaner zero star rating for product page by Dodo Juice £17.00 Stjarnagloss Hjul Wheel Cleaner Hjul Wheel Cleaner zero star rating for product page by Stjarnagloss from £11.00 Meguiars Ultimate All Wheel Cleaner Ultimate All Wheel Cleaner zero star rating for product page by Meguiars £16.45 ValetPRO Bilberry Wheel Cleaner (1 Litre & 5 Litres) Bilberry Wheel Cleaner five star rating for product page by ValetPRO from £12.65 Autoglym Clean Wheels (500ml) Clean Wheels zero star rating for product page by Autoglym from £9.65 Nanolex Wheel Cleaner & Iron Remover Wheel Cleaner & Iron Remover four star rating for product page by Nanolex from £14.75 Kamikaze Collection No.9 Iron Fallout Remover (300ml) Iron Fallout Remover zero star rating for product page by Kamikaze Collection £18.00 Angelwax Revelation Fallout Remover (1 Litre & 5 Litres) Revelation Fallout Remover zero star rating for product page by Angelwax £39.95 Auto Finesse Revolution Wheel Soap (500ml & 5 Litres) Revolution Wheel Soap zero star rating for product page by Auto Finesse from £9.25 Sansom Accelerate Non-Acidic Wheel Cleaner (750ml) Accelerate Non-Acidic Wheel Cleaner five star rating for product page by Sansom £7.95 Sansom Reactive Wheel Cleaner Reactive Wheel Cleaner five star rating for product page by Sansom from £9.95 Infinity Wax Liquid Fire (500ml & 5 Litres) Liquid Fire zero star rating for product page by Infinity Wax from £10.95 CarPro Iron X LS Fallout Remover (500ml) IronX LS Fallout Remover zero star rating for product page by CARPRO £11.95 GreenX Wheel & Tyre Cleaner (750ml) Wheel & Tyre Cleaner zero star rating for product page by GreenX £9.95 Infinity Wax Wheel Shampoo (500ml) Wheel Shampoo zero star rating for product page by Infinity Wax £9.95 Meguiars Hot Rims Black Wheel Cleaner (709ml) Hot Rims Black Wheel Cleaner zero star rating for product page by Meguiars £15.55 Cartec Essentials Iron Particle Fallout Remover (500ml) Essentials Fallout Remover zero star rating for product page by Cartec £10.45 Auto Finesse Reactive Wheel Cleaner (500ml, 1L & 5L) Reactive Wheel Cleaner zero star rating for product page by Auto Finesse from £10.95 ValetPRO Valet Pro Bilberry Wheel Cleaner Kit (1 Litre) Bilberry Wheel Cleaner Kit (1 Litre) zero star rating for product page by ValetPRO £20.00 ValetPRO Valet Pro Dragons Breath Kit (1 Litre) Dragons Breath Kit (1 Litre) zero star rating for product page by ValetPRO £13.00 Swissvax Wheel Cleaner Spray Forte (250ml) Wheel Cleaner Spray Forte zero star rating for product page by Swissvax £22.00 AutoBrite Direct - BriteGel Safe Wheel Cleaning Gel (1L & 5L) BriteGel Safe Wheel Cleaning Gel zero star rating for product page by Autobrite Direct from £17.95 Autobrite Direct - Wheel & Tyre Cleaner (500ml) Wheel & Tyre Cleaner zero star rating for product page by Autobrite Direct £9.95 Soft99 Iron Terminator (500ml) Iron Terminator zero star rating for product page by Soft99 £9.99 Gyeon Q²M Iron Wheel Cleaner Redefined (500ml, 1L & 4L) Q²M Iron WheelCleaner Redefined zero star rating for product page by GYEON from £13.00 Meguiars Meguiar's Detailer Wheel & Paint Iron Decon (3.78L) Detailer Wheel & Paint Iron Decon zero star rating for product page by Meguiars £79.70 Koch Chemie Reactive Wheel Cleaner (750ml) Reactive Wheel Cleaner five star rating for product page by Koch Chemie £20.75 Dodo Juice Dish Soap (1L) Dish Soap zero star rating for product page by Dodo Juice £15.00 GERcollector Rim Cleaner & Iron Remover (750ml) Rim Cleaner & Iron Remover zero star rating for product page by GERcollector £16.90 Autoglym Magma (500ml) Magma zero star rating for product page by Autoglym £10.95 Dodo Juice Ferrous Dueller Iron Fallout Remover Ferrous Dueller Iron Fallout Remover five star rating for product page by Dodo Juice from £17.50 PolishAngel Mint+ Wheel Cleaner Mint+ Wheel Cleaner zero star rating for product page by PolishAngel £27.95 Meguiars Hot Rims All Wheel & Tire Cleaner (710ml) Hot Rims All Wheel & Tire Cleaner five star rating for product page by Meguiars £13.15 Autoglym Custom Wheel Cleaner (500ml) Custom Wheel Cleaner four star rating for product page by Autoglym £9.95