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Synthetic Paint Sealant For Cars

Spray sealant products contain cleaners and micro-abrasives. This combination provides a product that tackles fine swirls and provides gloss. The sealant spray elements help to protect the shine for longer than a regular polish. This type of clear sealant spray will also provide some hydrophobic protection too.

You can use a spray on sealant on wet vehicles to boost existing ceramic coating performance. This will increase the hydrophobic function and help prevent water spotting.

Bilt Hamber Touch-On 1 Litre Touch-On zero star rating for product page by Bilt Hamber from £11.90 Gtechniq C2 Ceramic Sealant v3 C2 Ceramic Sealant v3 five star rating for product page by Gtechniq from £11.95 Ultimate Finish UF Ultimate Spray Sealant (1L & 5L) Ultimate Spray Sealant five star rating for product page by Ultimate Finish from £12.95 Gtechniq Easy Coat Kit & Refill Easy Coat zero star rating for product page by Gtechniq from £11.95 Kamikaze Collection NO.3 Over Coat 4.0 Spray Sealant Over Coat Spray Sealant 5.2 five star rating for product page by Kamikaze Collection £115.00 Menzerna One Step Polish 3-in-1 (250ml & 1L) One Step Polish 3 in 1 five star rating for product page by Menzerna from £14.95 Chemical Guys Meticulous Matte Detailer & Spray Sealant (473ml) Meticulous Matte Detailer & Spray Sealant zero star rating for product page by Chemical Guys from £15.95 Auto Finesse Aqua Coat (500ml, 1L & 5L) Aqua Coat five star rating for product page by Auto Finesse from £13.95 Nanolex WashCoat Sealant WashCoat Sealant four star rating for product page by Nanolex from £14.95 Poorboys Black Hole Show Glaze Black Hole Show Glaze five star rating for product page by Poorboys from £16.95 Dodo Juice Future Armour Wet/Dry Spray Sealant Future Armour Wet/Dry Spray Sealant five star rating for product page by Dodo Juice from £12.00 PolishAngel Polish Angel High Gloss High Gloss five star rating for product page by PolishAngel from £49.95 Autoglym Polar Seal (1 Litre) Polar Seal zero star rating for product page by Autoglym £19.95 Sansom Hydra Spray On Rinse Off Protection Hydra Spray On Rinse Off Protection five star rating for product page by Sansom from £16.95 Meguiars Hybrid Ceramic Wax Hybrid Ceramic Wax zero star rating for product page by Meguiars £22.20 Angelwax Enigma QED Ceramic Detailing Spray (500ml) Enigma QED Ceramic Detailing Spray zero star rating for product page by Angelwax £24.15 Meguiars Meguiar's Hybrid Ceramic Detailer (768ml) Hybrid Ceramic Detailer zero star rating for product page by Meguiars £19.75 Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection Extra Gloss Protection five star rating for product page by Autoglym £14.45 Auto Finesse Tripple All In One Polish & Protect (500ml) Tripple All In One five star rating for product page by Auto Finesse from £10.95 PolishAngel Polish Angel Master Sealant The Original Master Sealant The Original five star rating for product page by PolishAngel from £23.75 Auto Finesse Graphene Filler Liquid Wax (500ml) Graphene Filler Liquid Wax zero star rating for product page by Auto Finesse £16.95 AutoBrite Direct - Ceramic Shield Magiseal (500ml) Ceramic Shield Magiseal zero star rating for product page by Autobrite Direct £21.95 GreenX All Purpose Quick Sealant (100ml) All Purpose Quick Sealant zero star rating for product page by GreenX £11.95 Infinity Wax Turbo6 Sio2 & Carnauba Sealant (250ml) Turbo6 Sio2 & Carnauba Sealant zero star rating for product page by Infinity Wax £14.95 Infinity Wax Express Sealant (500ml) Express Sealant zero star rating for product page by Infinity Wax £9.95 Angelwax Dark Star Atomic QED (500ml) Dark Star Atomic QED zero star rating for product page by Angelwax £23.95 Chemical Guys HydroSlick SiO2 Ceramic Wax HydroSlick SiO2 Ceramic Wax zero star rating for product page by Chemical Guys £44.95 PolishAngel Polish Angel Cosmic Graphene Spritz (200ml) Cosmic Graphene Spritz zero star rating for product page by PolishAngel £82.95 PolishAngel Polish Angel Cosmic Diamond (50ml) Cosmic Diamond zero star rating for product page by PolishAngel £72.95 Poorboys White Diamond Show Glaze (473ml White Diamond Show Glaze five star rating for product page by Poorboys £16.95 Nanolex SiFinish (200ml, 750ml & 5 Litres) SiFinish zero star rating for product page by Nanolex from £11.95 CarPro Reload 2.0 Spray Sealant (500ml) Reload 2.0 Spray Sealant zero star rating for product page by CARPRO from £26.95 CarPro Hydro2 Lite Spray Sealant (500ml & 1L) Hydro2 Lite Spray Sealant zero star rating for product page by CARPRO from £9.95 Nanolex SiSplash SiSplash zero star rating for product page by Nanolex from £5.40 Nanolex SiSpray (100ml, 200ml & 750ml) SiSpray zero star rating for product page by Nanolex from £8.45 ValetPRO Snow Seal (50mml, 1 Litre & 5 Litres) Snow Seal zero star rating for product page by ValetPRO from £11.80 Auto Finesse Caramics Gloss Enhancer Strengthens Coatings (500ml) Caramics Gloss Enhancer zero star rating for product page by Auto Finesse £10.95 Auto Finesse Ceramic Spray Wax Sealant (500ml) Ceramic Spray Wax zero star rating for product page by Auto Finesse £14.95 Stjarnagloss Pärla Spray Sealant (500ml) Pärla Spray Sealant zero star rating for product page by Stjarnagloss £16.00 Nanolex SiOne One Car Cut and Polish (100ml & 750ml) SiOne zero star rating for product page by Nanolex £26.95 Kamikaze Collection NO.3 Over Coat 4.0 Sealant No.3 Over Coat 4.0 Sealant five star rating for product page by Kamikaze Collection from £62.00 Meguiars Hybrid Ceramic Liquid Wax (473ml) Hybrid Ceramic Liquid Wax zero star rating for product page by Meguiars from £28.75 Menzerna Power Lock Ultra Power Lock zero star rating for product page by Menzerna from £15.95 Polishangel Cosmic Spritz Cosmic Spritz five star rating for product page by PolishAngel from £59.95 PolishAngel VIKING SHIELD (500ml) Viking Shield five star rating for product page by PolishAngel £172.95 GYEON Q²M Cure Redefined (500ml) Q²M Cure Redefined five star rating for product page by GYEON £36.00 GYEON Q² Can Coat EVO (200ml) Q² CanCoat EVO three star rating for product page by GYEON £42.00 GYEON Q²M Wet Coat Spray Sealant (500ml, 1L & 4L) Q²M WetCoat five star rating for product page by GYEON from £15.00