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Car Traffic Film Removers - by Supernatural

Car traffic film, degreasers, and all-purpose cleaners (APCs) are essential products in car detailing and cleaning. Designed to remove stubborn dirt, road grime and greasy or oily dirt that accumulates on your car from driving. We offer a wide range of car traffic film, degreasers, and APCs from top brands like Auto Finesse, Autoglym, Bilt-Hamber, Cartec, Chemical Guys, Dodo Juice, Gtechniq, Koch-Chemie, Meguiar's, Nanolex, ValetPRO and UF.

Car traffic film, degreasers, and APCs are essential products for car detailing and cleaning. Contact us today to find out about specific products or which type may be more suitable for your car.

Car traffic film is a thin layer of dirt found all over the car but builds up mostly on the lower half of the car as the dirt is thrown up from the road whilst driving. To remove traffic film effectively, it is essential to use a specialized traffic film remover or TFR for short. Some of the most known TFRs, such as Auto Finesse, Bilt-Hamber, and Nanolex have specific formulas to target this greasy dirt without damaging the paintwork.