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Car Exterior Trim Restorers - by GYEON

Back to Black, the normal name for a rubber, plastic or vinyl trim restorer. Any trim found on a car can degrade in appearance over time. This is down to a number of factors, which you won't be able to avoid unless your car is sealed permanently indoors. UV rays, environmental contamination, washing detergents can all draw out oils from the trim creating a faded look and a move brittle material. With specialist products you can quickly protect from abrasion, chemical and UV damage and restore colour to any black plastic, rubber, and vinyl trim.

Black trim restorer products bring back gloss and colour to a car's exterior trim. The car trim restorer will also protect surfaces from environmental fallout. There are many options to choose from when you want to restore black trim on a car. Car plastic restorer and protectors all help bring back that deep black new car look on faded car trim. Permanent ceramic trim restorers can last 6–12 months on a single application.

It is important to prepare the surface first to remove any previous back to black or contamination. A plastic trim cleaner product removes contamination from a car's plastic surfaces. They can also act as a rubber cleaner or car vinyl cleaner, helping the process of restoring plastic on a car. Vinyl cleaner products will remove contaminants like bug squash, road grime and more. Restoring car plastic using a trim cleaner will prepare the surface for a car plastic restorer. Cleaners and protectants will nourish rubber and remove contamination. Once you've used a black plastic trim restorer, it will help restore an original satin, sheen look.

For silicone or polymer based products, you may need to apply these monthly to ensure protection levels. Over time the black will not fade as quickly and will look more rich, but this is achieved with a good build up of layers. A ceramic trim restorer could permanently restore the trim for 6–12 months.

Do not use any form of heat, heat gun or torches to restore your plastics. They will indeed draw the oils to the surface like those in viral videos, but this will evaporate just like the oil before. As the oil levels reduce in the plastic it becomes more and more brittle, leading to failure. Trim restorers are designed to replace these lost oils to strengthen the plastic and bring back the original finish.