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Glass Care Products - by GYEON

Keeping your glass clean and contamination free is not only great for the aesthetics of your detailed car but vital for safe travel. Everybody who drives knows the pleasure when the car's glass is spotless and as they drive they can see everything, give it sometime and the dirt will build up again and that feeling goes. Check out of complete range of glass cleaner, polishing, and protection products to ensure that feeling never goes again and optically clear glass becomes the norm for your car.

At least once a week, it should be part of your weekly maintenance checks such as type pressures, screenwash, lights, oil and so on. Unlike some of the other checks that may need equipment or mechanical know-how, cleaning your car's glass is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Glass polishing helps give it a deeper clean that just a spray glass cleaner. A glass sealant creates a hydrophobic barrier for the water to run off the glass freely. You don't need either, but they do make the glass easier to maintain and clearer for longer if you polish first and then apply a ceramic glass sealant.